Strategy Development & Evaluation
SRI Executive facilitates the evaluation, development, and implementation of impact-driven, fit-for-purpose organisational strategies.
We work with our clients to clearly define their challenge(s) and how they will address them. We help capture the unique value the organisation delivers and how it can strengthen or refine that value. We take a consultative approach, engaging with and building buy-in from key stakeholders. By anticipating risks and barriers, we ensure the ongoing relevance of the strategy. We develop strategies that give the organisation a stable foundation but retain the flexibility to respond to internal and external change.
Our strategy processes are tailored to the unique context of each organisation. While our approaches are built to meet the needs of each organisation, they often include:
- Evaluating previous strategies and integrating relevant learnings.
- Redefining or refreshing the organisation’s vision, mission, and values.
- Identifying strategic opportunities and challenges, internally and externally, through research and consultation (e.g. PESTLE and landscape analyses, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and workshops).
- Articulating the organisation’s strategic goals or desired change, why they are important, and how they will be delivered.
- Designing results, outcomes, or performance frameworks to monitor and measure the implementation of the strategy.
- Co-creating implementation and action plans, building internal ownership and excitement for a new strategy.
SRI Executive has supported organisations in defining their goals, setting and evaluating strategies, and planning for implementation.
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