Role purpose
The Ethics and Governance Committee (EGC)
The EGC is one of three Standing Committees of the Global Fund Board.The purpose of the EGC is to oversee (i) adherence by the Global Fund and its stakeholders to appropriate standards of ethical behaviour, as described in related Global Fund policies, codes and requirements; and (ii) implementation of the procedures and operations related to the Global Fund’s governance structure and its core governance functions. The Charter of the EGC outlining its main responsibilities is enclosed.
The ethics independent member will join eight other voting EGC members serving in personal capacity who have been nominated by the Global Fund Board’s constituencies, and the non-voting, neutral Chair and Vice-Chair of the EGC, also nominated by the voting constituency members of the Board. All EGC members are officially appointed by the Global Fund Board.
More information on the Global Fund’s governance structures is available at: http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/board/
The Global Fund is seeking a highly qualified and experienced expert in ethics to fill a vacancy to serve as a non-voting, independent member on the Ethics and Governance Committee (“EGC”). The successful individual will serve the 2025 – 2028 term from the point of their appointment (beginning of June 2025).
Committee Participation
The time commitment to EGC activities will be concentrated around two-day in-person meetings, which generally occur three times per year in Geneva, Switzerland, or equivalent time spread across multiple shorter meetings in Geneva and virtually. This includes preparation for these meeting (e.g., reading background documentation distributed approximately two weeks prior to the meeting) as well as meeting participation. Inter-sessional work between EGC meetings may entail participation in conference calls or requests to revise relevant documentation. In addition, the independent member may participate in EGC executive sessions, calls or meetings relating to sensitive ethics-related matters, as needed upon referral by the Ethics Office.
In addition, the independent member may participate in EGC executive sessions, calls or meetings including relating to priority EGC workstreams, an d sensitive ethics-related matters, as needed upon referral by the Ethics Office.
An honorarium is available, in addition to travel expenses and per diems for in-person meetings.
The EGC carries out its work within the framework of the decision-making authorities of the Global Fund’s Board and Bylaws, the EGC Charter, and the Operating Procedures of the Board and Committees.
To be considered as an independent member of the EGC, individuals must satisfy the independence criteria set out at Appendix I of the Charter of the EGC.
Competencies and Responsibilities of the EGC Members
As set out in its Charter, the EGC is composed of:
- Four voting members nominated by constituencies of the implementer group of the Global Fund Board, serving in their personal capacity;
- Four voting members nominated by constituencies of the donor group of the Global Fund Board, serving in their personal capacity;
- One non-voting, neutral Chair nominated by one of the voting constituencies of the Global Fund Board;
- One non-voting, neutral Vice-Chair nominated by one of the voting constituencies of the Global Fund Board; and
- One non-voting, independent member with ethics expertise.
Knowledge of the development and global health landscape may be helpful background for the ethics independent member on the ECG, however this is not mandatory. The expected minimum key competencies and responsibilities are:
- Relevant experience or background (15 years or more) leading and overseeing broad ethics issues and programs, including standards of conduct, integrity and due diligence
- Experience and understanding of the development, oversight and advancement of frameworks and policies to address ethics and integrity-related risks and uphold ethics-related standards in complex organizations and operating environments.
- Experience advising on and overseeing the strength, maturity and effectiveness of ethics-related policies, codes and programs aimed at embedding ethical values into operations and preventing and addressing fraud or misuse of resources.
- Experience with reviewing allegations or complaints, conducting inquiries and investigations, and assessing preventive, mitigating or remedial actions in relation to ethics, conflicts of interest or integrity concerns, in line with organizational policy.
- Experience with reviewing allegations or complaints, conducting inquiries and assessing actions in relation to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment (PSEAH).
Applications are welcome from prospective candidates who may also already be serving as a member of another organization’s independent Ethics or other similar committee, subject to assessment of relevant considerations relating to independence and declaration of interest.
The selected independent committee members will be required to sign a (i) declaration of independence and (ii) certification of compliance with the Code of Conduct for Governance Officials, as well as complete and submit a declaration of interest to be cleared by the Ethics Officer of the Global Fund.
Terms of Appointment
The independent member will serve in their personal capacity and therefore shall not seek or accept instructions in regard to their performance on the EGC from any constituency of the Global Fund, including any government, organization or other authority, other than through action by the Board.
The independent member will be required to comply with the Global Fund Code of Conduct for Governance Officials which provides requirements that Global Fund Governance Officials must abide by, as well as expectations they are encouraged to meet in the course of their official roles, duties and functions at the Global Fund.
Role Location
Geneva, Switzerland
How to Apply
To apply for this position, please ensure you complete the Application Form provided below by 28 March 2025 (23:59 hrs, GMT +1.) It is essential that you submit your CV in English, specifically in Microsoft Word format (.doc/.docx), not exceeding 10MB.
Applications in other languages or formats will not be considered.
Rest assured, all information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
SRI Executive is exclusively retained by The Global Fund to undertake this assignment.